Merit Professional’s approach to storm water compliance is to listen to your needs and provide you with experts to accomplish those desires. Merit has obtained the best database in the nation to track and store all of your storm water documentation online. We also have professional liability insurance to ease our clients minds of the fines associated with non-compliance. Your approach is our approach!
Merit provides:
- Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) preparation
- Permit Preparation
- Permit Filing
- Weekly/Biweekly and Rain Event Inspections (Construction)
- Monthly/Quarterly Inspections (Industrial)
- Audits
- Sign Posting
- Training
- Enforcement Representation
- Enforcement Consulting
- BMP Consulting/Installation
Merit Professional’s number one goal is to deliver the services with quality & integrity. Achieve product turnaround time that your projects demand. Produce on demand access to your storm water data so reports and permits can be viewed immediately. Customize your inspection reports to meet the internal requirements you have set forth in your storm water program. Merit has the technology, production and educated staff to meet your demands. Please contact us today to schedule an appointment to meet one of Merit’s consultants and gain more knowledge of how we can ease your storm water burdens. You can reach Merit Professional at (214) 998-9455 or (214) 998-9454.